Earning less money to have more than others?

Small steps are still progress

Last week I learned that we humankind tend to compare with others and our success is always reflected with other’s work. I’ve experienced this myself, but moreover I read the other day a post in LinkedIn:

“Earn € 50,000 when everyone around you is earning € 25,000. Earn € 100,000 when everyone earns € 200,000.

What do you prefer?

According to a Harvard study, 52% of those interviewed chose to win 50k vs. 100k. 💰

People are willing to earn half as long as they earn more than their environment. And something similar happened with IQ. 🧠

We spend the day comparing ourselves to others and evaluate ourselves based on it.

The problem is that there will always be people smarter than you. People with more talent, more money and more success than you.

Comparing ourselves is the best way we have to bombard our self-esteem and be unhappy.”

Work hard, focus on progress and while making a team, be sure to have the best people for each position. 

Check my LinkedIn to follow my posts.

Contact me if you have any question 😉

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